Name That Deck!
By James W. Revak


Selected Books

Cavendish, Richard.  (1975).  The Tarot.  (London: Chancellor Press).  This book includes illustrations (some particularly lavish) of a wide variety of cards.

Decker, Ronald, DePaulis, Thierry, & Dummett, Michael.  (1996).  A Wicked Pack of Cards: The Origins of the Occult Tarot.  (New York: St. Martin’s).  This title comprises a detailed, well documented history of the rise of the occult or esoteric Tarot in France during the 18th and 19th centuries.  It includes illustrations of a modest number of cards from the period.  However, the authors are not supportive of the use of Tarot for occult or esoteric purposes.

Dummett, Michael.  (1980).  The Game of Tarot: From Ferrara to Salt Lake City.  (London: Duckworth).  This 600-page book presents a very detailed, thoroughly documented history of Tarot.  It includes instructions for playing an enormous variety of games with the cards, and illustrations of a wide variety of older cards.  However, the author is not supportive of the use of Tarot for occult or esoteric purposes.

Giles, Cynthia.  (1992).  The Tarot: History, Mystery and Lore by (New York: Simon & Schuster).  This title includes a generally accurate and lucid overview of Tarot history with illustrations of cards from a few important decks.

Innes, Brian.  (1976).  The Tarot: How to Use and Interpret the Cards.  (New York: Crescent Books).  This volume includes illustrations of a wide variety of cards.

Kaplan, Stuart (Ed.).  (1978, 1986, 1991).  Encylopedia of Tarot.  (v. 1-3).  (Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems).  These profusely illustrated volumes are probably the best reference guides to Tarot decks.  Numerous cards from traditional to trendy are pictured with detailed explanatory text.

Kaplan, Stuart.  (1972).  Tarot Classic. (Stamford, CT: U.S. Games Systems).  The bulk of this book comprises divinatory meanings for a deck titled Tarot Classic (also published by U.S. Games).  However, it also includes a brief discussion of Tarot history and illustrations of cards from a modest number of significant decks.

Selected Links

Aeclectic Tarot by Solandia.  Capsule reviews (including many images) of a wide variety of decks.

The Hermitage: A Tarot History Site by Tom Tadfor Little.  A wide variety of articles, which explore Tarot history and classic decks (including many images).

Tarot Passages by Diane Wilkes.  Brief reviews (including many images) of a wide variety of decks and much more.

Tarot: Hysteria, Mysteria, and ‘War’ by Jess Karlin. Brief essays on Tarot history and related issues. 

Wicce’s Tarot Collection by Gina M. Pace.  Brief reviews (including many images) of a wide variety of decks and much more.

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